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I don't always love to workout.

behavioralchange fitnessinmenopause fitnessmotivation habitchange howtostayontrack Jul 15, 2024

I don't always love to workout. That may sound a bit odd coming from someone who’s career is all about exercising and encouraging other women to do the same. Still, it's true. 

I love moving my body. I love what it does for my physique, my physical and mental health, my mood. And I love the strength, energy, and confidence it gives me!

But, I don’t leap out of bed in the morning stoked to get to my workout. Coffee, yes. My workout, no. 

If you are thinking “Same girl, same”, I want you to know this…

You don't HAVE to love it. In fact, you may never actually come to LOVE to exercise.

BUT, living your best life likely means doing it anyway. Like brushing your teeth. Or getting a colonoscopy, lol. 

So, if you don't love working out, but you know you should... how do you bridge that gap?

I have 4 Tips for you

Tip 1: Stop Trying To Do So Much

Personally, the thought of doing of 60 minute crushing workouts 5-6 days a week, is about as appealing as prepping for that colonoscopy. 

In midlife, we’re pressed for both time and energy. We do need more intensity in our workouts (that ever), and more volume - but not longer workouts… or even more days of the week. The great news is: More is not better.

I keep my workouts short and effective, so I get optimal results in less time. Better for compliance. Better for your hormones, too. 

You can get great results from strength training 2-3 times a week for 30-40 minutes, if you push hard and follow a smartly designed progressive program (like Bolder STRONG!). Add in daily walking and a bit of mobility work, and you’ve got a decent plan!


Tip 2: Zoom Out and Connect With Your Bigger Picture (Your WHY) 

If you're not jazzed to exercise (no one is all of the time!), think about how good you'll feel afterwards. Or what being fit and healthy will allow you to DO in your life.

Take a moment to get clear on your VISON and your WHY (really drill down here; "your why should make you cry"). Personally, I want to be strong, active, vital, and independent for as long as possible. I want to be able to dance, hike, carry my own groceries, and get off the toilet without help. And when my son (finally) has kids, I want to be able to get on the floor and play with them!

Write YOUR why on a note card and repeat it out loud to yourself daily: “I exercise so that I can [insert what lights you up here].”


Tip 3: Schedule It In Your Calendar

Stop thinking "I'll do it later". You won't, and you know it. Schedule your workouts in your calendar like you would any other important meeting or appointment. Set an alert and do it. Bosses don't cancel. 


Tip 4: Find an Accountability Buddy, Join a Group, or Hire a Coach

Any of these can help you stay on track, especially on the days you're just not feeling it. Plus, it makes it more fun!

Accountability is what many women tell me they need the most. When you have a friend, group or coach to show up for, you'll be less likely to cancel.

Consistency is key. If you stick with it long enough, it’ll become a habit – and then it will be far easier to stick to it long term. 

If you resonated with this, or want to share some of your own tips, drop me a comment below. I’d love to hear what works for YOU!

If you're NOT currently working out and you want to start, I have a week of Free workouts just for you! You'll do them right along with me, as I coach you in real time. And they're just 20-30 minutes each. You can grab your free download right here!

xo, RITA




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