BLOG - Living Bolder

Want to look Toned? Muscle is Key: 5 Muscle Building Tips for Women Over 40 Nov 30, 2024

Most women aren't walking around thinking, "I need more muscle." It's more, "I need to lose weight" or "I just want to look toned."  Sound about right?

If you've followed me for a minute, you know I preach about the importance of maintaining and building muscle for women over 40.


Don’t Wait Until Life Settles Down. Do It NOW. Nov 22, 2022

You're crazy busy. You’ve got a life and a million things to do. It’s easy to put your fitness and nutrition goals on the back burner.

“I’ll start again when things settle down, then I’ll be ALL IN without any distractions.” 

Sound familiar? 


Why I Hate Cardio... kinda. Jul 04, 2022

I still see so many women default to the mindset that the path to weight loss and body composition change is “Eat Less, Exercise More.” And that more usually comes in the way of lots of cardio.  


What’s worse… when they don’t see the results...

Is Your Exercise Causing Accelerated Aging? 5 Fitness Mistakes That Make You Age Faster Jun 12, 2022

You’re probably well aware of the many benefits of exercise and you’ve likely heard the advice that we need to “Move More”. 


So that means any workout you’ll actually do is good, right?


Well, yes, but… it depends. It’s a little more...

Why Random Workouts and Group Fitness Classes Won't Get You Results Jan 05, 2022

Are you randomly choosing YouTube classes, or Instagram swipe workouts every day? Or just going to group fitness classes, spin classes, OT or boot camps?

If so, hear me out… 

I’m not inherently against those classes. In fact, I do some of them! I was a Beachbody diehard (and...

Tackle ONE Habit At A Time Sep 26, 2021

You decide you want to get fit or lose weight. Or both. You’re determined to go all in and make ALL the changes. 

Maybe you do OK for a little while. But then it becomes overwhelming. And it feels like you’re in the circus spinning plates on sticks. 

Maybe you’re...